Saturday, December 11, 2010

In my spare time there are things I do.

Yes!  I do things in my scattered moments of "me" time.  Today I found three hours to sew!  It was a glorious feeling.  Cylas was playing with the neighbor boy, Roma was toodling around and D was doing homework.

It felt good to release my creative energies on something so cute.  I haven't had time, recently.  These little suckers took three hours to make and I enjoyed every minute of it.

...even down to the little carrot on the snowman.  These ornaments just so happened to be going to a friend of mine down in FL.  She saw I had made monogrammed ones for my mom and sisters and asked if I could do something similar.  What a great little project to put into the middle of my Saturday afternoon.

Hello, goodbye '10.  You were good while you lasted!  Only two more weeks and these ornaments will be a momento to 365 days passed.
But they're still kinda cute...

1 comment:

Sui said...

Hey!!! Those are really cute!!! I made ornaments out of old book pages this year for my tree. . they added a nostalgic feel