Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My OTHER blog

Sorry, it's sort of taking over my life!  I have a total of three blogs and this is the one that suffers.  As soon as I can, I'm going to do a blog overhaul and make a combo blog so you only have to go to ONE of my three and then you can coast around there to read about my thoughts or my hobbies, or my kids!

This is a post, however, to let you all know about a giveaway that I'm doing on my hobby blog.
It's for a sock monkey.  Crazy busy as I am, I want to sew yet another sock monkey and then give it away!  So, please, click the link and let me know if you'd be interested in winning it.  Tell your friends because the more people who let me know of their interest the better.  
Don't be shy :))

Click HERE and join the fun!

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