Monday, March 14, 2011

Family Ties That Blind

**Fair warning, opinionated post**

Yes, blind.  It's not an uncommon occurrence and it happens more often than it should.  It seems that when there is a blood tie there is this special pass given out for making horrible mistakes or decisions and there is no worry of having to be held accountable.  Can I say the "H" word, please?  Pleeeease? 

Ok, I won't say it, I'll just spell it out.  I H.A.T.E that.  (there are certain things that are ok to hate, I promise, and this is one of them)

My family will tell you, my sisters, mom and brother, that I don't give out those "passes" in my family, not for them, not for my own children.  What an unfortunate example of enabling.  How is the individual ever to learn proper behavior, respect, responsibility if they're always given a way out of their messes.  Denial is not your friend.  It's your enemy and the sneakiest of rascals.  It will creep in and before you know it will have wound its slimy little tentacles around your eyes -- blinding you.  It's a horrible, horrible thing to be an accomplice to someone's stupidity and stand proudly by their side.  No one is capable of making the right decision all the time, but you could make BETTER ones.

Please, stop allowing your blood ties to blind.  It just makes you a sucker.  And please, if you're in a situation and people are trying to tell you you're giving out that "pass" -- LISTEN!!  It's ok to be wrong.  Just stop.  That person is probably killing you and you don't even know it.  They for sure don't respect you because you let what they do slide by, time and time again.  They know they have a shmuck in you.  *sung to the "You have a Friend in Me" tune*

Gracious.  I haven't written in like a month and this is what I decide to post.  It's been burning in my mind for quite some time.  Ahh, I love getting things like that off my chest.

1 comment:

JanaFloyd said...

Tough topic, but true. The path of least resistance is not the best path. Like Felix in Acts 24:25, I find that I may put difficult conversations off to a more "convenient" time when it comes to family. Thanks for posting this. I needed to hear it.