Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Convert Dilemma

As most of you know, I'm not too shy but, as most of you don't know...I AM shy. Let me qualify -- when in the presence of people considerably older than I, I tend to freeze up a bit. Sounds weird, but it's true. So, with that said we have couple who started visiting the church out here. She used to attend a Pentecostal church when she was little and saw this church as she was driving by. I made a point to introduce myself and try to make her feel at home as possible. They starting missing services and I didn't know how to get in contact with them. I finally found someone who had their number, on Monday, and was planning to call them. Well, as God would have it I saw them today while I was out grocery shopping. I told them I had been thinking about them and missed seeing them at church. There is going to be a church picnic this Saturday and I informed them of it telling them it would be great to see them there. Well, when I mentioned that I had been wanting to call them the lady immediately piped up that she would really like another woman to talk gut kind of seized up a bit. She said these words with a bit of anguish and I'm afraid that I might become her garbage can!! I'm so afraid that she'll start calling me at all hours telling me her problems and then I'll get annoyed or frustrated or something. What should I do??? I've never really dealt with new converts before. I've always managed to stay involved with the groups in our church, The Rock Church, that concerned young people and such. This is a whole new world for me and I'm seriously nervous. But, I keep telling myself I'm going to "help her to become". But I'm all alone...


Ruth said...

Your last line....I'm all alone... so is she! Maybe her possible "garbage" will be as fertilzer to your freshly planted garden. Take a chance! I'm glad someone listened to me 20 something years ago. Love you lots,

East Coast-er Momma said...

Thanks Nona. That's a better way to look at it.

JanaFloyd said...

Just trust in the Lord. It's no accident that you thought of her and then saw her in the grocery store. God can help you steer the conversation. If you feel it going on a downward spiral, just say that you would rather not discuss that subject, or that you have to go, or remind her of the goodness of the Lord in that area. He will prompt you with what to say. Philipians 4:6 - Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, in prayer & supplication present your requests to God. So by "everything", that includes even something that seems as small as a conversation. :) I don't know.. maybe that will help. :D

skylerizm's said...

Hey Misha.

You are anointed, educated, beautiful and biracial. Some people in that area do not know what to do with all that in one person who is full of the Holy Ghost.
Keep showing them the love of God and the Lord will deal with the attitudes of others.