Friday, January 4, 2008

Realization, Contemplation, Revelation

So, for the last month I've been away from home. It's good to be back. I did a lot and was grateful for the chance to do it! My husband and I are very blessed to have parents who care for us and who would do just about anything to make sure we stay connected and strengthen our relationships. On that note, while I was gone I realized that I've missed out on a lot. I'm going to be vague to protect the innocent(little smile). But, my life has matured to this point and is missing a lot!! Growing up you don't know when people lie to you especially those you count so dear. Life is basically paved for you until you reach a certain age and then you have to start building the road to your future on your own. Well, the pavement that was put in front of me as a child lacked a certain ingredient but, was full of other unnecessary ones to make up for it. Upon this realization, I began to feel really guilty. I've done a lot of things based on what I was told...sorry, if this is confusing. I can't really explain with much more detail.
So, I've been thinking about this and it's really frustrating to know that I was handicapped...and still am. This means that I have to work out all of the bad ingredients on my own in order to
make up for the years past spent in misunderstanding. I feel really bad because there hasn't been fighting chance, in some respects, and I've been to blinded to see. But, now I do. It hurts, I'm sad and wished that my life had been different.

1 comment:

Music Eloquence said...

Who says we're all made from the same cookie cutter and you got the misshapen one? We're all handicapped and full of twisting, winding roads that have brought us to where we currently are. God put you EXACTLY where you WERE, and ARE for a reason. All things really do work together for good to those that love GOd and are called according to His purpose. Love you Meesh.