Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our children are our first ministry...

The words of a very wise woman. 
Spent a good hour on the phone with a woman who helped to nurture and raise me in my home church.  When our conversation came to a close, I felt like I could conquer most anything.  She wasn't full of empty praises for me; she simply shared a few of her own life's experiences.  What a rush.  I just started smiling and believing in myself and in my passions all over again.  It wasn't that I had given up or anything, but when someone reminds you of what you're made's like the ultimate kick-start.

We covered so many different subjects during our conversation, but one of the last pieces of advice she offered up was, "start now, start with Cylas.  He'll be five and in five years he'll be ten.  Our children are our first ministry." responsibility.  But I accept this.  It's an honor.  My husband and I have the very serious job of putting wonderful, beautiful principles into our children that will carry them on into their adulthood.  We building a foundation for them to work off of.  yipes! 
I remember my year in Europe as a foreign exchange student.
I held strong to my roots and my convictions.
It was a very revealing time for me and I thank God for the people He placed in my life at such a young age.
What a test.  But now, this year is going to be the real beginning of my little boy's journey into the big, wide world.  This September -- he's going to kindergarten. 

1 comment:

JanaFloyd said...

When I remember that my child is my first ministry, it doesn't feel like an inconvenience to spend an entire service in the foyer with Paxton. I needed to remember that.