Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Euphoria in family

Enough can not be said about having the people you love surrounding you and the feeling it brings. These past few days I've been visiting here in California and been hopping from house to house enjoying the time with each different family who has made an impact on our lives. Cylas has been hugged and kissed and loved by each person and is loving every minute of it! I'm basking in the warmth of familiarity. I've been to almost every one of my favorite restaurants since we arrived. I didn't take any photos of myself stuffing my face with Dolmathes or Chipotle but, I was VeerrrY tempted! So far, I've spent the evening with Nona and G-pa Tony, stayed three nights with my mom and right now we're visiting Jack and his mommy and daddy! But, we're not done house hopping yet! Tomorrow we're going to the Felt's house....I can't really express how happy I am to be here surrounded by my church family. I'm taking this warm feeling back with me to spread around.

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