Saturday, May 28, 2011


I have no idea what I'm doing.  Honestly.  I came to that conclusion tonight as I was helping my precious baby girl do her hair.  She was freshly bathed, slathered down with lotion and standing there with her hands in her hair desperately trying gather it up for a pony tail.  She is two.
I smiled and felt a little extra beat in my chest.  That was my love meter going haywire. 
But then I stopped smiling because I felt a little overwhelmed with the knowledge that I have no idea what I'm doing.  I'm just a young woman trying to overcome my own problems while trying to raise another young woman.  So confusing. 
I go through these moments sometimes where I feel the task of good parenting is just too great for me to bear. 
But it's not, is it?  Not if I'm seeking in the right places for guidance and counsel.  Biblical, Godly counsel.  So much to remember, so much to impart.  It's not easy being determined to be the best parent you can be -- even if you have no clue what you're doing.

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