Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's about you and me

Sometimes I go into overload.  It's too much, really, and I can't stand it when I do this to myself.
But, it happened again.
Got to thinking about relationships and what they mean.  What a HUGE part of our existence as humans.
Right now, I have a couple of new relationships in my life that are developing beautifully.  Oooh and they are so exciting.
Cylas is my buddy.  We talk about a lot of things.  I am raising him to trust in our relationship.  He knows that he can tell me things and I won't scoff at his concerns or walk away while he's talking to me, or any myriad of things that create frustration and ultimately a distrust.  There is so much to talk about concerning him, but I'm going to move on.

Then there is my little Roma.
What a little petal she is.  She's only two so there isn't much intelligible conversation between us, but she sure does love me!  We snuggle, giggle and sing together.  It's fun and that is where our trust is being built...in the snuggles and giggles,  book reading and wrestling.

But, unfortunately, I also have to concern myself with the real world.  Adults.  All of their problems.  Ick.
The other night I had the most encouraging talk with my husband.  It was a simple exchange of thoughts, revealing feelings, being vulnerable and a mutual respect for all.  How pleasant my life would be if more people respected each other and the difference of opinions -- if they understood that there is a possibility they could be wrong!  Unfortunately, I am pretty much an open book when it comes to my feelings and will be the first to admit I'm wrong.  Never have been much for a confrontation but won't back down from one if it's important enough.  I have jaws that move at lightening speed and will chew anything in my path....but I usually keep that on the DL until someone just REALLY wants a beat down.  HAH.  
Lately, however, I have decided to become a better friend.  Had a few situations mess me up and it helped me put into perspective a few things.  I haven't truly come to terms with it all, but here is what I learned:
Not everyone looks at friendship like I do
Sometimes, some friendships aren't worth keeping
Being honest is the best foundation for a good friendship
Giving of yourself does wonders for a relationship

And here I am.  A little hurt, bruised from the incident but a little bit wiser.  Now, if I could just ACCePT what I've learned.


JanaFloyd said...

Welp, you've been a great friend to me! You've gone above and beyond the typical limits of friendship, and I can't thank you enough!

East Coast-er Momma said...

Thank you, Jana. Thank you so much...