Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love Hate Relationships

We all have them.  Mainly with people...and exercise.  But mine is with cleaning.  It's something I do everyday.  Everyday.  If I don't, there will be horrible repercussions.  An insanely messy house with children who are half naked because I'm not doing laundry because I'm sick of doing laundry, a husband who is eating out of the pan because the dishes aren't clean because I didn't feel like doing them -- because I always wash the dishes.  See what I mean?  It's not worth the "break".  Dishes don't care if you're tired and laundry gets ranky stanky if you don't take care of it!
   These photos are from this morning.  This is what my house looks like on a normal day.  Cy's room is a mess with pockets of this shelf.  I love how neatly the books set.

 And this coloring book basket.  So tidy.

 The front room is pretty clean.  Most of the time.  There are days when Cylas converts it to a full on fort.  And I let him until my nerves can't handle it any longer.

And my kitchen *sigh*  it's always a work in progress.  There is something to be cooked or cleaned in there, always...

But, admittedly, there are days when I'm cleaning that I feel happy.  Odd?  Yes, but having a clean home is something I'm proud to say I have.  My children enjoy it too and are starting to create clean habits of their own.  Roma MUST have a "wyy" (a napkin) during dinner, Cylas doesn't like it if his room is messy for too long he starts rearranging and putting his toys away.  Recently, I've started him with folding his own clothing and putting them away.  It helps me out a lot.  Roma...well, she isn't quite two, but soon she'll have her own mini chores, right now it's just keeping track of her binky...she's amazingly good at that.  She loves her "fuh".  *for all my Russian readers it's short for соска*

So, I love my house when it's clean.  I hate that fact it doesn't stay that way.  But I love how I feel at a job well done, in the same breath I hate the constant cycle. 
But what is better than a clean house with a happy husband, children, healthy dinner and hot tea with sugar cookies on the side?  
Nothing I tell ya'... 

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