Friday, October 15, 2010

The beauty of growth

There is nothing more satisfying than growth.  Spring.  Finally, up from the ground come all those sleeping bulbs, warming the air with their colors and filling your nose with the scent of life.
Yes.  Beauty.
But for some reason, even in the dead of winter, (not that it's winter...) the satisfaction of knowing YOU have grown can have the same effect.  So inspiring.  I have had several such moments during our time here.  Today I felt another "stop and smell the flowers" moment happening.  And I did stop.  I smiled and felt so beautiful inside.  What is on the inside will come out.  Don't you doubt it for a second.  We can only keep our nature hidden for so long. 
I have been tested here, in PA, in so many ways.  Never imagined some of the ways I would be tested and each time it happens, I find myself thanking God for the wonderful upbringing I've had.  Gracious.  It has gotten me through some sticky situations.  My heart yearns to be open, ready, pure, teachable, loving, forgiving, loyal, true...and I think that all of those desires have been tried at one point or another.  But it's paying off, my determination. 
I have found solace in prayer, bible reading, and positive thinking.  And I have to thank my husband for being the level in my life.  

But getting "beautiful" on the inside isn't easy.  You take low blows, you lose friends, while loneliness becomes and old friend, but in the end, it's so worth it.  So, I'll just stick with this whole "inward growth" thing because it's not just beneficial for me but for my children, too.

A huge thank you to my Sunday school teachers, mentors, and home church for this wonderful foundation that I'm working off of...


Slastena said...

Lovely pics, kids are just so gorgeous. My eldest one is picking at my elbow as I am typing- he viewed all the pics with a great interest. He wanted me to say he loved the pictures of your kids.:))

East Coast-er Momma said...

Aw, wow, thanks for stopping by.
Tell your little one, my sweeties say, "hi!". And your munchers are adorable/handsome, for sure!