Monday, April 20, 2009


I don't know about everyone else, but one of my greatest desires is to make a lasting impact on someone. I suppose I should qualify and say that I would prefer the impact to be a good one! Sometimes I make acquaintances with people and it stays pretty much that - superficial, nice-tah-meet, soon you raccoon. Then I have the occasion to develop a relationship with someone and these are the moments I live for. During my two years at UC Davis, I met a lot of people. Seeing as I was a Russian major, 95% of my classes were in the Russian department. And I'm pretty sure you can guess that most of the people I met were Russian! These relationship meant so much to me. They were all healthy and I am proud to say that I am still in contact with these people today. Zhenya, Zhanna, Mila, Katy, Sabina and Anna. Each of these ladies contributed something to my life and I am so grateful for their friendships. We've laughed, gone on picnics, talked for hours, done homework together, camped, shared ideas on relationships and God and so many other things. But, what is most rewarding to me is to know that I gave something of myself to these girls. At least, during my time in CA, I tried. Well, today I got an email, from one of these lovely ladies, thanking me for my friendship and advice offered. Wow!! I was so happy. I didn't know how much our conversations meant to her. Sometimes, we can take ourselves for granted. And this only reminds me to keep myself focused, positive and on the path to reach my goals in life. No one knows when their conversation, actions or attitude can impact someone. Hopefully, it's for the good and you see the effects down the line.

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