Monday, March 10, 2008

Out of my mind!

It's so frustrating to be sane but feeling insane! Since I found out we were moving, my brain has been in a muddle. I can barely think straight. I'm really disorganized and at times completely useless~! While David was packing, I was spacing out. I watched Cylas to make sure we didn't pack him into a box accidently...heh. But, seriously, I haven't felt organized in almost a month! Today was the first day I actually sat down and made myself a list and completed it. When was the last time I did that?? I don't even remember. Lord only knows how long it will be after we're settled in PA that my mind will settle back down. It's really disorienting. I really don't feel like myself. I guess it's akin to an "out of body experience". I'll make sure to post and let you all know when I'm one with myself again...sheesh!


Kari Morgan said...'ll make it my dear...its just the moving out of state freak out frenzy you're experiencing. I'm sure your nerves are a little frazzled right about now. Life is certainly an adventure-just enjoy every minute of it!!!
Oh...we made it to Kabab House-you were SO right-the dolmathes were TDF.

Kari Morgan said...

So you made it to PA!!!! Cool! Yeah I hope to get out there to see you you and thinkin' about ya!