Ho, ho, ho
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The lost art of being...
Ho, ho, ho
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Mental Rumblings
Unfortunately, that's where the problem starts. Because the story line I just had running through my mind never gets committed to memory and I don't write it down anywhere either. I'm seriously thinking I should try to get a small book of memoirs going here.
Seriously. Where does your mind take you when you look at all of these photos?

And my most recent shoot, the precious family of Mr and Mrs. T
And here he is again in Spiderman get up. Right down to the underwear. But you wouldn't have known that unless I had told you, would you now? Yes, I know that he has on a Superman shirt but that's because he doesn't have any other Super Hero-ish shirt to wear. He's fine with it. But he made sure that everything was VERY Spiderman-y before he put it on.
Friday, November 20, 2009
My Christmas wants
Dear Santa:
I have been surfing the 'net, because as you know I am stuck in the middle of nowhere next to the cows, chickens and Amish, and I have found some materialistic things that have caught my girly eye. Please consider this in a small, for me.

And this too...
Now, my dear Mr. Klaus, I know these are a bit expensive so I wouldn't mind if you waited until AFTER Christmas to get them for me. After all, my birthday only comes two short days after Mary had Jesus in a cave in Bethlehem...I don't mind waiting. Or, I can just dream about these things. You already know that I have a few culinary items on my list as well...
I've been a good girl and mom and I already bought really wonderful gifts for the fam...so, you don't have to worry about them this year. You know ... just helpin' out.
P.P.S All the photos are clickable :) Once again, just helpin' out.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Setting goals and breaking habits
Wait. It's not the New Year. It's the END of the old New Year. What's wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong. It's that dreaded ol' word -- habit. It's such an elephant in the room for me. But I let him stay around because it's too hard to move him. Most of the time. Well, in spite of my human nature, I'm moving that elephant. I've set a new goal. Run a 5k. Are. you. serious? Let me tell you all something. Over the course of the past year, since having our second child, I have occupied myself with various forms of exercise. Staying in shape, or in somewhat shape, is pretty high up on my list of priorities. I enrolled in a cardio class 4 months after having Roma and once that was done, I started walking thirty minutes every morning before David left for work and after that, doing exercises to a work out DVD. Jillian Michaels is. brUtAL. Love it. She helped me shed those last eight pounds in less than thirty days. Being out here, in PA, has been like standing in front of a full length mirror. You see so much more than the little mirror in your bathroom. My idiosyncrasies have come to my attention with a blaring truth and harsh reality. It's embarrassing. So in an effort to better myself, I have set numerous goals to attain while we're here. I enjoy changing up my routine because the days become stale and so predictable, it takes twice as much effort to stay awake. So, I'm setting MORE goals. My infatuation with playing the guitar hasn't faded and I'm aiming to be able to sing and strum in church soon. But that is for a whole other blog. Let's keep to the subject at hand. Running. Running a 5k with the thought of possibly training for a longer run. Be still my aging heart. I CAN do this. The first time I tried jogging a mile I almost puked. It was horrible. We live in a very hilly area and it will knock the wind right out of you. And in my case, the puke. My second and third time weren't so bad. And then I did it -- I changed it up. I moved my course to the opposite side of our block. And when I say 'block' I'm using that term VERY loosely. Our 'blocks' are contingent on how large the farmer's field is. At any rate, I switched my jog to the other side and it was like I grew jogging wings or something. I could run and run and run and it actually felt GOOD! I didn't feel like puking, or dying, or walking. I started to feel inspired instead of extremely tired. And oddly enough, in my life outside of fitness I'm starting to feel inspired because I'm exercising parts of myself that have long since been dormant. We'll see how this thing turns out. One thing for sure, I won't be the same. That would be a crime...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Every once in a while
Monday, November 2, 2009
Coupon Diva
I'm not QUITE a diva. But I'm getting close. The amount of money I save every time grocery shopping comes around just makes me smile. I started putting away all of the extra money that I saved into our savings account. Novel, huh? The picture up top is my coupon envelope. I love that thing and wouldn't be caught day or night without it. Since I don't have a proper coupons organizer I had to reinforce my envelope with packing tape. It's transferred from bag to bag and never far from my finger tips. I spend about two hours a week scouring coupon sites and coupons from the newspaper. I recently found that the library, here, offers coupons to those who have the patience to filter through, literally, hundreds of coupons that have been clipped and donated by the community of library goers. Granted, most of the coupons I find there are for Miralax, Centirium and dog food. A testament to the dense population of fifty and older in this area. Every once in a while I happen upon a nugget of gold like a $1.50 off Huggies. And then, I hope and pray that Huggies are on sale in the stores. Sometimes, I call the store to see if they are having a sale because not all Targets or Walmarts participate in the sales that you find online. Saves me a trip. Somehow the hunt to find coupons and match them to the sales going on in the stores has become a wonderful game of hide and seek between the hunter(me) and the hunted(those juicey sale items). I challenge myself to see if I can save more and more each time I go out. The most I've saved in one outing was $45. I couldn't believe it. The more I do this, the better I get. I've learned to look at the CVS insert and try to match my coupons to what they have listed on sale that week. I shop and find the items that gaurantee when I check out my receipt will be accompanied with a print out of coupons I can use on my next visit.
I would be remiss if I didn't share a couple of the sites that I frequent regularly. Have fun and try to save a buck or two.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
For youth is the smell of innocence...

Friday, June 19, 2009
This morning the alarm woke me up. No, not my children, but an NPR interview with the new general. General McChrystal. I lay there, still fuzzy with sleep, trying to make sense of what I was hearing. And for some reason, through the fog, this exchange of information spoke to me. During the night, Cylas ran into our room and was snuggling on D's side of the bed and early this morning Roma woke up and wanted to be fed so I just left her in bed on my side. With my two children within arms reach and my husband snoring soundly, I couldn't help but think that I have a huge responsiblity to raise my children in this war zone of life. Honestly. Deep thinking for 7:30 am. But I promise that this was all going through my head with rapid clarity. The responsibilities I have as a parent require me to tacticly out maneuver what ever enemy might be seeking out my children. One quote from the general spoke to me. When asked how his method was different from the past generals he said, " You have take to away what the insurgents want most. Access to the people". Then he framed this with his thoughts on how to accomplish this. He said to "arm the people" with knowledge on how to protect themselves. Give them something to want to protect. Amidst my thoughts, I'm laughing at myself for being so literal this early in the morning, but laughing at my inner monologue did not stop me from thinking. And I still agree with myself when I say that raising my children to be armed with knowledge, wisdom and a deep love for God is the most difficult task I've ever set my foot to.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Picnic in the van
My day: Roma naps while I try to get us on the road but before I can load her into the van Cylas decides that it's time to poop. Thankfully I bathed them both this morning so a quick wipe down should be good. I'm hurrying all the while thankful I managed to get a shower and make our bed. But in spite of my frantic cleaning, the house looks a little worn out because Cylas dragged all of his bed covers and several HUNDRED stuffed animals all through the house, leaving the mass of them on our bed. And where did the ants come from? Why do I have ants crawling all over my kitchen? The dishes were done, the floor was mopped and I'm fighting a small army with soap and scrubbie. Ick. Ick. Sitting in the cool library never sounded so good. But how to get out of the house. I just want to be around people. So, now, the little munchkins are piled in the van and I'm proud of myself because I've packed a lunch for Cylas, but now I'm hungry. No time to eat. I need to get going before it's HIS nap time. I make it to the library only to find out that my card has an ASTRONOMICAL fine and I can't check out any books! So, to make my harried day a little more interesting I'm on library card probation. Yeah, the young mother of two can't even drag herself to the library to keep up with the due dates. And I'm still hungry. *sigh* Good thing I packed Cylas a tuna sandwich with goldfishes and a banana. I think I'm going to get Taco Bell and sit in the van for our picnic.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm sorry but..
Monday, May 11, 2009
Words that mean something
"The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books."
What a striking quote. It made me smile as I ushered my little brood into the comfort and the quiet the library provides.
I want to say something that people will remember forever! I want it to be something that will speak to someone's heart.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I guess I need to learn...
That it is OK to relax and take time for myself. I think today was the first time I actually compartmentalized my children and myself. What I mean is, I was able to go somewhere and think about myself and not them! I left the children at home with D -- although I would be lying if I said that I didn't think of them once...really quickly, halfway through my meal. But when I walked out of the house this morning, poor D was trying to console a screaming Roma and quiet a whining Cylas. It would be dishonest of me to say that the slightest hint of a smile did not flicker across my face as I pulled out of the driveway. Away. For some time alone. Yes, I smiled. It felt good. It's very hard to enjoy myself nowadays. I'm always worrying. Are the kids ok? Did they eat? Is Cylas hurt? Is Roma crying? The temptation not to enjoy myself is too great. And I usually end up having half-a-good-time. *sigh* But, maybe, it's getting to the point that my body wants to relax with or without me! The other night D let me escape. It was rainy and I was supposed to work out that night, but I was sick so I opted to go to a restaurant with a good book and sit there for an hour. I love, love, doing that. But, it's never completely enjoyable because I have images of children dancing in my head. So, whatever. I am, from now on, going to enjoy me-time. My time. Only me (when I can!! Now, children, would you please go to sleep so I can play Scrabble...haha)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Giveway to my FAV place!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Church Search
Some time ago, D and I decided to visit some of the neighboring churches who practice our faith. Coming from a fairly large church ourselves, the adjustment from a congregation of over 1000 to only 30 has not been easy, to say the least. But, out here I don’t think the church attendance reaches more than 200 anyway. So, back to the subject at hand, in the first congregation we visited we found ourselves in an old church that could have leapt from the pages of a history book. Perched on a hill, its a-frame topped with an old steeple making it the highest point on the block, the brick building seemed tired and in need of a face lift. On this particular evening we happened to come late, I googled the church and the times of the services and apparently they were wrong. So, we tried to slip in quietly. Have you ever tried to slip in quietly to a church that has twenty pews and 10 people in attendance? Yeah, we didn’t slip in as much as we marched in, banging the back of the pew with Roma’s car seat and Cylas asking loudly where we were at. I tried shushing him sternly, but his curiosity is not easily abated. So, I pulled out all the books, toys and coloring books I could to quiet him down. The preacher was an older man with a head full of dark brown hair, a rather large pair of glasses, reminiscent of the 80’s, and a lisp that made the sermon so much more interesting to listen to. We were greeted with smiles from a sweet faced lady, who we found out later was the pastor’s wife. Shortly after we found our seats, the lights clicked off and the front of the sanctuary was lit by the beam of a flashlight. The preacher held the flashlight and waved it around trying to emphasize how important it was to ‘punch a hole in the darkness’. We left that evening with smiles on our faces. It was a cute church, but we wanted to visit it again on a Sunday to get a better idea of what their church was like. I suppose I should write about our Sunday morning visit in another post along with an account of what happened when we visited the second church…
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Internet relationships, texting and the weather
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Could it be...
All of these thoughts filled my mind early this morning as I lay in bed. Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with my mother buying food in preparation for a luncheon this afternoon. As we purchased food, exchanged thoughts on our plans I secretly observed my mom. Her face has wrinkles now. They appeared out of nowhere, it seems. Her eyes and mouth now have smile lines. The telltale signs of life and the survival of the many tests in her lifetime. There are many things I know that took place while I was still too young to understand. My mom did her best to protect me and my sisters. I may never understand all of her reasons, but I would like to thank her for doing what she thought best. Today, I am happily married to a wonderful man and have two beautiful, and I mean beautiful, children. I wonder if my happy marriage is a result of her sacrifice. I wonder if I can ever repay her for the opportunities created for me through her giving. Now, you may be wondering why I have only mentioned my mom and not my dad. My father is definitely no less important and I have a whole post to write on him as well, but this post is dedicated to my mother. The one who carried me in her womb for nine months, nurtured me through my toddlers years, taught me through my high school years, offered advice into my married years and is still giving...and giving.
Thank you. And no, it will never be fathomable all of the things you gave up for me, but don't doubt that it will come back to you one hundred fold.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Now, it seems odd driving with more than two cars around. Seriously. It's like I live in the middle of NO-where out there. I'm not used to hearing car traffic outside my window at night anymore. Having more than three restaurants to choose from for dinner is like heaven. And having dinner with old friends seems like a distant memory. Never let it be said that Cali isn't my home -- I love it here!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Is there is cool way...to snap your fingers??
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rythms & Patterns
My little girl has the rythm of a small row boat slipping through placid waters, while Cylas is the wind that picks up the small pile of leaves twirling them into a miniature tornado. And, amazingly enough, between the two of them there is a balance so perfect that it makes each of my days so wonderful and very much anticipated.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So many little things that make your life special to you
He loves his little sister and is very concerned for her welfare. For instance, we were trying to leave the other morning and I had to go out to warm up the car. I took him with me so I could strap him in. As I pulled the van around to the front of the house, he asks in a worried little voice "Wheh Womah? Beebee?" Translated : Where is Roma? Baby?
I smiled and told him that we were going to get her and not to worry. And every evening he has to make sure he kisses her goodnight. If she isn't in her bassinet, he looks for her to make sure she's close by. Just this morning I told him to go potty and he took a detour into our bedroom to check on his little sis before his final destination. Roma, on the other hand, has just started cooing and gurgling. She is a very happy baby and loves to talk. Next to sleeping, it's her favorite thing to do! You can tell that she loves her papa a lot because she responds so well to him by burbling and making gaga sounds. She burps for him too! She enjoys being held high up on your shoulder so she can see the world. And if you look at her and say "Ah-gooo" she will respond likewise. I love the way she stares at me so intently. She doesn't have words yet but I can feel her telling me that she loves me.
My life is uniquely mine and I love it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
!Just enjoying family!
Here are some recent photos of my sister with me and my babies on her visit here. Oh, and let's not forget David too!!
We've had a wonderful time and I really don't want my sister to leave. It's very comforting to have someone here with me that I love! We've done a lot together over the past week or two. She's been a great help with the babies and also helping around the house. My house is reeeally clean JUST the way I like it!!