At only seven weeks, I'm astounded by the differences between Romalise and her big brother when he was this little. Where Cylas was a malcontent, she is a sweet little smiler and while Cylas had the tendency to thrive off of scheduled eating patterns, Roma is all over the board. She'll sleep through her "scheduled" feeding only to wake up an hour later screaming. Right now she is sleeping through the night only waking around 5 in the morning for a quick breakfast.

She likes to sleep until 9 or 10 and then wakes up all smiles and keeps me busy for about an hour or two before decides she's tired. Her naps last three to four hours and she takes two. The second of which Cy's nap coincides with. That means that I have about 2 hours to myself during the day! It's really nice. I would say that my favorite times of the day are: the early morning when my husband kisses me before he leaves for work, shortly thereafter my little boy comes in and wants me to play trains with him (and I'm always Gordon while he is Thomas) and lastly, I wait anxiously for the evening time when Roma is finished with her second nap and my husband is home for dinner. We all sit down and everyone eats...I mean everyone including her.
Cylas is at the stage where he is honing in on different toys that interest him. When he was younger, everything was interesting and he was easily distracted. Right now, he loves planes, helicopters and trains. His books are never far from his finger tips and are still a major part of his life but his train track is definitely in second place. More times than I can remember, he has fallen asleep at the train table with toys or books in his hand. I'll try to take a picture of it next time.
My little girl has the rythm of a small row boat slipping through placid waters, while Cylas is the wind that picks up the small pile of leaves twirling them into a miniature tornado. And, amazingly enough, between the two of them there is a balance so perfect that it makes each of my days so wonderful and very much anticipated.
1 comment:
What beautiful children! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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