Monday, August 29, 2011

You can't hide the truth

I have tried though.  But, in January of this year it became glaringly evident that it was no longer possible to ignore.
I was pulling my hair back, trying to fiddle my fuzz into an acceptable hairstyle when I noticed something.  A hair that was not like all the others.  Need I mention its color?  I think not, because SURELY I am not the only one who has experienced this. 

At first it was only a couple inches in length, and just last week I found it again and, "My! how it has grown!"  Don't know what I was thinking when I, sadly enough, convinced myself that hairs that color just stop growing after a certain length, and, maybe even fall out shortly after their appearance.  I'm not lying when I write this.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  It's STILL here, much longer, and it reflects the light much differently than my black locks. 

I'm aging.  I can't hide it any longer.  Truth be told, I had visions of plucking it, but then I stopped myself, because I didn't want to be like everyone else.  I just stared at it, wrinkled my brow, cried a little inside and then tucked it under all the other hair that is NOT that color.  (notice, I can not even bring myself to even mention its shade... *grumble*)

Not saying I'm happy about this change in my know, this new color hair moving in, uninvited and all but I'm trying to embrace it.  I even forgot about it for like a month...I'm seriously hoping that they don't all decide to move in at the same time.  I heard stress is the perfect breeding ground for its kind.  Uhm, full body massage, cucumber facial, detox diet and a vacay in Europe please, thank you.

I honestly have the face of a twenty year old.  Cruel joke, Mother Nature.  Rude. 
She gives my family genes a drink from the fountain of youth and when I turn 30 she sticks it to me.  Seriously, people are going to think I'm graying prematurely.
Once again.  Rude.

Whatever, so here I am, 30, my hair is changing, one strand at a time and I'm befuddled.
Who has a face like this and has an easy time convincing people they will be turning 31 in a couple of months?  Oh, yes, that would be me. 

Uhm, anyone else have any dark secrets they'd like to share about their body betraying them?


Kathy McElhaney said...

At 47 I have plenty of gray hair, I need a lot more sleep than I use to, and if I try to stay up late I'll pay for it for several days. But I fight back with lots of healthy eating, running, and mountain biking.

East Coast-er Momma said...

Ah, you're my 47 year old hero, Kathy. Seriously. We will have to rendezvous when I move back to Cali. A 10 mile run together is in order!!