Monday, August 29, 2011

You can't hide the truth

I have tried though.  But, in January of this year it became glaringly evident that it was no longer possible to ignore.
I was pulling my hair back, trying to fiddle my fuzz into an acceptable hairstyle when I noticed something.  A hair that was not like all the others.  Need I mention its color?  I think not, because SURELY I am not the only one who has experienced this. 

At first it was only a couple inches in length, and just last week I found it again and, "My! how it has grown!"  Don't know what I was thinking when I, sadly enough, convinced myself that hairs that color just stop growing after a certain length, and, maybe even fall out shortly after their appearance.  I'm not lying when I write this.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  It's STILL here, much longer, and it reflects the light much differently than my black locks. 

I'm aging.  I can't hide it any longer.  Truth be told, I had visions of plucking it, but then I stopped myself, because I didn't want to be like everyone else.  I just stared at it, wrinkled my brow, cried a little inside and then tucked it under all the other hair that is NOT that color.  (notice, I can not even bring myself to even mention its shade... *grumble*)

Not saying I'm happy about this change in my know, this new color hair moving in, uninvited and all but I'm trying to embrace it.  I even forgot about it for like a month...I'm seriously hoping that they don't all decide to move in at the same time.  I heard stress is the perfect breeding ground for its kind.  Uhm, full body massage, cucumber facial, detox diet and a vacay in Europe please, thank you.

I honestly have the face of a twenty year old.  Cruel joke, Mother Nature.  Rude. 
She gives my family genes a drink from the fountain of youth and when I turn 30 she sticks it to me.  Seriously, people are going to think I'm graying prematurely.
Once again.  Rude.

Whatever, so here I am, 30, my hair is changing, one strand at a time and I'm befuddled.
Who has a face like this and has an easy time convincing people they will be turning 31 in a couple of months?  Oh, yes, that would be me. 

Uhm, anyone else have any dark secrets they'd like to share about their body betraying them?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Let's be honest

If you're a mom, and this thought hasn't flitted through your mind ONCE I might call you a liar...maybe.

But, I'm being honest.  This thought has gone through my mind and more so, just recently. 

I think


That sounds so, bad.  I mean, it's like sacrilege to all stay-at-home-moms.  But, I told you that I'm being honest so, just hear me out and then forget everything I've written.
My house irritates me when it gets messy.  It's nothing a good two hour cleaning can't handle but still.  My mood takes a dip south and I start snapping at people.  For those who don't know, I make these cute PUnk MOnkeys and they take up a lot of my time.  With kids, it takes me close to three days to make one.  Without kids and uninterrupted.  About three hours.  How do I know that?  I had D help me out.  I told him to watch the kids while I timed myself.  Warp speed folks.  Warp speed.
POW.  Then I was overwhelmed with this sneaky thought, what if I had someone to follow my kids around and pick up their messes?  Oh, heavenly days. 

Ok, so, maybe what I really want isn't a nanny but a human-picker-upper.  That's sounds better.  I love my babies, but I need more hours in my day.  Less cleaning and more stitching.

This is me.  being completely honest.  Over and out.

Those friends

Feeling a little nostalgic today.

I think that "true" friends are very much taken for granted.  We all think we have them, but soon discover not everyone is "true" friend material.  Boo.  But let me tell you now, finding that one friend, or two, who will ride out any situation with you is one of the best feelings in the world.  I'm really counting my blessings today for the people in my life who know how to keep your confidence, send you a little pick-me-up note, push you through your weak moments, tell you like it is -- with love, know who you are and what you're made of...

So many people, I've found, have a limit on their friendship.  Eventually, they decide to give up and choose to see the negative or choose to believe a misguided word.  How many times have these unfortunate situations ruined a beautiful budding relationship?  *sigh*  My Sunday school teacher once shared that "a man is lucky to have five true friends in his life".  How hard that was for me to see while I was young.  I mean, shoot, I had friends for a dime a dozen.  We played Barbies, house, cowboys and Indians.  They were my friends, right?  Only good friends let you wear their clothes or give you a fresh pair of underwear when you forgot to bring yours to the sleepover...

Time tells and reveals so much about the character of mankind.  So fickle and flighty.  So conditional and critical.  Good luck finding a brother who will stand by you through the storm. 

Today, I am thankful for the few people I have in my life who have never questioned my character or integrity.  They know me in such a deep way.  They accept my faults and work with me.  They have a smile, a nudge or a whisper to keep me focused.  They see the good in me.  They see the good.  Shame, shame on those who enjoy finding the faults of their brother.  Shame.  Don't tear down.  Lift up your brother in his weakened state, for if you don't, you are no better than he in his folly...

Extend a hand.

Thank you to all of my childhood friends and thank you to those who came into my life in my early twenties.  You are the people who have helped me to become who I am today.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Of Food and Love: This Weekend: Give Up

Of Food and Love: This Weekend: Give Up: "Give up on being critical of your neighbor -- it ruins beautiful things like relationships. Give up on being selfish -- sharing is so much ..."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Elixir of Life

I remember reading The Trumpeter of Krakow, when I was in high school.  It was a fabulous book and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves reading good literature.  That's where I learned the term "elixir of life".  It's great phrase and very applicable to most of life's problems involving stupidity.

"But," persisted the student, "you seek the elixir of life, do you not?"
"No," answered the alchemist, "although in regard to it I admit that I have much curiosity.  If it is true that all things are subject to change, then one might change from old to young as well as from young to old if one could find the laws to reverse the process of life.  And as to this I do not doubt that the restorer of youth can be found.  Yet I am not interested as are those who have lived vain lives and hope to do better if life may be relived."

Ah, yes, some people seek this illusive elixir and when they cannot find it, their immaturity takes over.  The proverbial cupboards fly open, the mixing and stirring begin to create this "thing" that will give them answers.  How dumb.  I'm sorry, but really.  Why don't you just let life happen?  Quit trying to direct it here and there and everywhere.  That is not to say, "do not have a plan".  HAVE a plan, but for crying out loud, leave certain things alone.  There are spaces in our lives that must not be touched by our meddling eager hands. 
And, there are spaces we must not go, for if we do, it will ruin a good thing.  *sigh*  Yeah, I'm pretty happy right about now for the extra layer of skin I've grown since living here.  Seems like there will never be enough hurt or pain in the world until finally it just all stops.  Something happens in the universe, a star blinks for the last time and then, it's time, time for all the *bad* in the world to go away.
Yet again, someone has thrown open their cupboard in search of the "elixir" and instead of waiting for it they made up their own version...wrong mixture my friend...wrong mixture, and you just ruined a good thing.

Let's all hold on just a little longer until the time is right, ok?  No use messing up the bigger picture for your stunted version of reality.