Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The test

I spoke on the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman a couple weeks back.  Yesterday, I was confronted with a situation and I totally forgot about all of those nuggets of wisdom.  But today during my morning prayer and bible reading my lesson came floating back to the surface.  Haunting me a little.  Mentally, I took a second to rewind over yesterday's catastrophe and I grimaced.  Shucks.  I didn't pass the "perfect Proverbs woman" test, but neither did I fail completely.  So much bubbled behind my lips during the confrontation, but I didn't let it out.  There were a few jabs and snarky comments...kept at a minimum but there, nonetheless.  Being a human is so unforgiving.  We automatically defend ourselves against attacks, but not always wisely. 

As much as I wanted to call names and spit a little something held me back.  I've always held strong to this quote, "There is wisdom in discretion."  And this morning a verse popped up in my reading.

"Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:"
Prov 2:11

Perfect.  Just another reminder that not all arguments are worth continuing or contributing to.  There are some battles I'm not meant to fight.  God is.  No matter what this person thinks of me, God is the ultimate definer.  My life on this earth has been witnessed by many people, they've seen me grow, struggle, learn, fail...all of it.  They have shown me love and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. 
So, for yesterday's battle I say that it was another test to who I am in Christ.  Not perfect.  Still learning.  Clinging to His wisdom yearning after his paths.  This is worth more to me than silly, foolish words exchanged and a well placed jab at someone's expense.   Not going to lie, it felt good to get my two cents in every once-in-a-word, but was it worth it? 



tabithabertram said...

Well said. "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."
- Proverbs 15:1
This growing up stuff is though:) love you

East Coast-er Momma said...

THank you Tabby. I love you too...and miss your sweet smile and happy eyes. Maybe I should move back tomorrow...heh.

JanaFloyd said...

*sigh* All I have to say about this is that I love reading your blog. :) Your honesty warms my heart.

East Coast-er Momma said...

Thank you, Jana.