Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year...already?

I suppose it's time to start making my list of all of the great things I want to do for myself in the coming year. To be truthful, I don't think I've ever made a list. I've thought about things that I'd like to do and I've agreed with others as they expressed their new year desires but, I have never decided to myself that "Yes, Misha, this year you're going to change....blah". I've heard it's good to write things down...So, I'll try it...for the first time.
Recently, I mentioned to David that as a young girl I had a motto it was this: "Always make an impression wherever you go." And I've tried to keep to this for the eleven some odd years since I made it. Well folks, I'm going to renew my promise to myself this coming year in '08. I want that my character would be something to be remembered and that it would impact people in a positive way. This is a part of myself that I've always worked on but, I'm going to work on it even more. Another New Year promise of mine is to made a conserted effort to invite people over and be a good hostess. It's so easy to let your life control you instead of you controlling your life.
I'm getting nervous now because I'm sure I could sit here and write down a whole host of different areas in my life that I would like to improve but, I won't. I'll just stick to a few and when those are done I'll work on the rest. So, for my last New Year promise I would like to make our house into a Godly home...
The list of my short comings could fill a small book but, these are my priorities for now.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The longest Vacation EVER!

Ok, I'm in Pennsylvania now. Wheeeeew, have you ever been ready to come home from vacation? I am. We spent a week on the sandy beaches of the Bahamas, St. Thomas and San Marteen. What a wonderful time we had floating across the ocean on a massive boat being served incredible amounts of wonderful food and having our bedrooms cleaned for us twice a day. Each day started with a groan of exhaustion and a quick shower to wake us up. We spent hours on the beach playing in the sand. Cylas had his first naked beach debut. It was soooo cute. I have lots of video and great pictures to share.
I'll patch them all together and send a link so you all can enjoy a piece of my wonderful memories. The first day we got ourselves into the room and used to the rocking. I was little sea sick and didn't want to get out of bed. But, eventually I did and wasn't sick at all the rest of the time. The second night was a formal night and we got all dolled up to go eat...hah. The rest of the week was a blur and I just remember getting toasty on the beach and eating copious amounts of food. I don't know if I gained but a half pound because I made sure to play volleyball(on the boat) and walk a lot. While we were there David won a 90 min full body massage(lucky duck!) and while he was getting worked over I sat in the sauna for an hour...there were a couple of ladies in there relaxing and doing deep breathing. One lady relaxed so much she let a huge gas! Ooohhh lord...need a say more? I got out and took a shower(gag)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quick Trip

Well, I had a sort of mini vacation over the weekend. It was really nice. My sister and I went to see a Christmas Spectacular and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I have a photo here to show you all. There was a lot that went on over the weekend that I wish I had the liberty to talk about but, I can't. So, I suppose I'll just share with you all the happy stuff! Be looking for another update because, this Friday starts our family trip to the Bahamas. I'll be making a video with tonz of photos and narraration.