My little girl has the rythm of a small row boat slipping through placid waters, while Cylas is the wind that picks up the small pile of leaves twirling them into a miniature tornado. And, amazingly enough, between the two of them there is a balance so perfect that it makes each of my days so wonderful and very much anticipated.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rythms & Patterns
My little girl has the rythm of a small row boat slipping through placid waters, while Cylas is the wind that picks up the small pile of leaves twirling them into a miniature tornado. And, amazingly enough, between the two of them there is a balance so perfect that it makes each of my days so wonderful and very much anticipated.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So many little things that make your life special to you
He loves his little sister and is very concerned for her welfare. For instance, we were trying to leave the other morning and I had to go out to warm up the car. I took him with me so I could strap him in. As I pulled the van around to the front of the house, he asks in a worried little voice "Wheh Womah? Beebee?" Translated : Where is Roma? Baby?
I smiled and told him that we were going to get her and not to worry. And every evening he has to make sure he kisses her goodnight. If she isn't in her bassinet, he looks for her to make sure she's close by. Just this morning I told him to go potty and he took a detour into our bedroom to check on his little sis before his final destination. Roma, on the other hand, has just started cooing and gurgling. She is a very happy baby and loves to talk. Next to sleeping, it's her favorite thing to do! You can tell that she loves her papa a lot because she responds so well to him by burbling and making gaga sounds. She burps for him too! She enjoys being held high up on your shoulder so she can see the world. And if you look at her and say "Ah-gooo" she will respond likewise. I love the way she stares at me so intently. She doesn't have words yet but I can feel her telling me that she loves me.
My life is uniquely mine and I love it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
!Just enjoying family!
Here are some recent photos of my sister with me and my babies on her visit here. Oh, and let's not forget David too!!
We've had a wonderful time and I really don't want my sister to leave. It's very comforting to have someone here with me that I love! We've done a lot together over the past week or two. She's been a great help with the babies and also helping around the house. My house is reeeally clean JUST the way I like it!!
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