When I sit here and think that it has only been three days since I gave birth to our beautiful little girl, it really amazes me! So much has managed to take place over the past couple of days. Only two hours after our little sweet made her entrance I had guests in my hospital room. I stayed in there, under supervision, only one day and then returned home. Unfortunately, while I was out Skyler managed to catch the flu, so before I came home my mom made sure to bleach, wash and clean every possible surface he could have touched. It smelled so good when I walked in the door. But, being home didn't mean I would get to rest.

That night Roma kept me up until 3:30 in the morning. Talk about having flashbacks! I remembered the intense exhaustion from when we first brought Cylas home from the hospital. But last night she kept me up until 5:30 in the morning. Yes, my day started at 7:30 in the morning and ended at 5:30 this morning. Tired doesn't really describe how I was feeling. Maybe a better word would be -- crazy. I caught about an hour's sleep total the whole night and just when I thought I might possibly get sleep Cylas came into our room and puked up on the bed. I completely gave up on sleeping at that point and resigned myself to puke-duty while David tried to console a screaming Roma. The sun filtered through our windows around 7:30 and found Cylas and David camped out in the front room on a makeshift bed, the carpet tossed to one side and a huge bucket next to their heads. My eyes could barely open and I felt a bit loopy. I think that was because Roma was laying next to me screaming again. I sighed, and just had to convince myself that I could get up even if my eyes weren't working and my legs felt like jelly. After a hot bowl of oatmeal with honey, I started to get the warm, fuzzies about having two children and it made me smile.
Beautiful baby girl, Misha! Cylas seems to love his new friend.
I can't get over how beautiful she is Meesh. Man o man!!! Keep on making babies... they're beautiful children. =)
I know exactlyyyy what u mean! I promise, it WILL get a little easier in time! Sleep as much as u can when Roma naps, it will make u less cranky! (; hang in there! I remember Sydney crying all night long then having to get up with my 18 month old Jace... I felt crazy, cranky, happy, zombied out, exhiliarated, and exhausted all at once!! Love ya! She's beautiful! I love her cheeks!!
Wow. She is beautiful. You seem to take it all in stride. Maybe one day I can be like you! I'm still reeling knowing you birthed with no medication!! WOW!
Misha & David!
Many congratulations on your new BEAUTIFUL Romalis!!! I'm so happy for you. And Cylis is just a doll too. Enjoy keepin up with you and your little family this way, but your really missed here.
God Bless you and enjoy the sleepless nights they pass to quickly!
Love ya,
Oh how Cy loves his baby sister. I was getting all teary eyed watching him look at her so adoringly!
She's so gorgeous and precious! I love the video. Cylas looks very proud of his lil sister and looks like he'll be very protective! Congrats again!!
Misha!!! Congratulations! I'm so extremely happy for you and David...sounds like a ton of work, but rewarding and happy too.
(I visited TRC last Sunday and both of your sisters ran up to me right away and told me about Roma. They're SO proud and cute!) Can't wait to see you and your kiddies!
AWW She is a Doll :)
I cant wait to see yall in March adorable video tell everyone hello!!!
Love ya!
Hi this is one of the sisters's I just want to say that Cylas was so precious holding little Roma! I miss him sooo much. Tell him this from 'auntie Ria' I wub uuu!
I just love it when you post the videos.
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