So nice to just spend time together! At times, it's easy to forget the serenity felt in just sitting on the bed together reading a book, laying on the floor with your two year old playing cars while your husband sits near by, holding hands and going for a walk and watching your little one run from bush to bush to find all of the hidden treasures, watching your husband and little boy through the kitchen window while they munch the fresh raspberries in your garden , listening to your husband and baby talk to each other about utter nonsense, eating ice cream when it's cold outside and so many other activities. Each one has such a special place and creates the best memories. Last night, I was feeling a little emotional because we hadn't "spent time together". We eat dinner together almost every night but that isn't enough. I really wanted to go for a walk and just enjoy the closeness of happy family-ness. We used to do that a lot in Sac, but since we've moved here it's not the same. So, every once in a while I make David walk me around the corn and cow fields with Cylas so we can get some fresh air as a family. It's such a small thing but it means so much to me.
I took a couple of snap shots of us last night...

I really love the color and happiness in your family photo! :) I'm looking forward to *Winter Pennsylvania* stories...
I LOVE this last picture. Look at Cy smiling as if he has wisdom beyond his years. Love you
HI Mish! I'm sorry I didn't see your comment on my blog page till today! I'm going to have to add you to my following blogs! I hope things are well there in PA .. And you 3 are doing wonderful! I will tell my sweet parents you said hello and I hope to hear from you again soon! Lots of love and blessings!
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