So from my last post until now, we have plants!! I went to the market on Wednesday and grabbed up broccoli, marigolds, Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and Romaine lettuce. I searched for squash but, evidently it isn't in season for a couple of weeks. I happily dug my holes and planted each with care and hopefully we will be rewarded in the next few weeks with luscious fruits and veggies. Over the past week David has been faithfully digging out all of the errant plants, aka weeds, giving our worn out garden a makeover! It's tough work!
Today as we were planting and pulling, the neighboring farmers were fertilizing their field with liquefied cow poop. OMgoooodness, talk about a smell that upsets the stomach. I mean, I don't mind a whiff but a truck load spewing it out by the gallons!? That is a whole different ball of...well, you know. But as we settled all of the plants in, I couldn't help but feel satisfied and a little proud that we finally finished our little garden. Actually, it's just the beginning...

However, along with planting this pretty little garden we have some pests. First off, there are the wasps. They flock to this house like it's a homing device! And secondly, we have huge bumblebees. Well, after an experience with a few wasps I begged David to do something about the little hazardous beasts. He did. He got on the internet and found some paper bags. I kid you not. We now have blown up lunch baggies posted around our house in strategic places to ward off the wasps! They say it works. Supposedly, the bags resemble hornets nests, an arch enemy of the wasp. We'll see...

After we were finished in the garden, the neighbor kids, who had been buzzing in and around us the whole time, asked David to play his Djembe. And always ready for a good drum circle David obliged and let each of the kids have a go at it. They were tickled. But, as you watch this video pay close attention to Cylas; he was chucking rocks at the girls and finally attacked one of them!
The photo shows the same girl running away from a barrage of rocks hurled from the small hands of Cy...heh.

yay!! I love a good garden! If i remember right. . . you had quite a green thumb at Excelsier (sp) house. . . yum!
I love it!!! I need to post new pics of my garden now. I have some successful attempts and some not so successful but hey ats all part of the learning curve I guess.
The kids are learning alot about gardening that's for sure! I'm so glad you guys have "settled in" so nicely-I wish I could come visit...we'll see!
Love ya, give Cy a smooch for me!
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