So last night I had a great time with some Russian youth that attend a church down the street. They invited me over to play volleyball and sit around the campfire. I brought Cylas by myself because David had an emergency call to fix a leaky pipe in one of his dad's rentals. So, while we waited for David to arrive Cylas and I enjoyed the volleyball games and played with the other little children there. As the night wore on, David still hadn't arrived and wasn't answering my phone calls. Come to find out, he was wrist deep in sewage and it wasn't looking too good. It was dusk by the time they started the fire and we were all a little cold. Spring here is completely different than Sacramento. It's an art form. You have a couple of nice sunny days in the 70's and the rest are in the low 60's with rain showers and lightening storms. You find yourself waiting for the sun a lot and when it comes you appreciate the results of all the rain. It's a slow process. The nature here is cultivated into spring -- not flung into spring like back home. At any rate, we sat around the fire, warmed up and sang hymns. Cylas started to get a little antsy and even a bit cranky, so, I went to change his diaper and decided it was about time we headed home. It was 9:30 when we pulled in and David still wasn't home. He had been gone since 4 in the afternoon. David came home around 10 and Cylas and I were sacked out. (I had Cy sleep with me because I didn't want to be by myself). However, around 3 in the morning Cy woke up crying. And that was the beginning of a very long night and day for me. At 5:30 he still hadn't gone to sleep and was crying intermittently. He finally drifted off around 6 and managed to sleep until 8. But, as soon as he woke up he was crying again. He isn't normally a fussy baby so, my mommy instinct kicked in and I began to pay closer attention to him. Sure enough, I noticed him bat at his ear. Within seconds, I knew what the problem was -- an ear infection. So, amid all of his screaming I found a home remedy online. Onion juice. He screamed harder...I found some Tylenol and in ten minutes he was jumping on the bed like a little monkey. Then, he begged for some Pringles and scattered them on the kitchen floor and then insisted on eating up the crumbly mess he'd just made. On top of all this, I'm feeling a bit under the weather myself...whew! Now, he is snoring in the other room and I'm waiting for his Dr. appointment at 2:15......
Did I mention I was tired???