Ok, I'm in Pennsylvania now. Wheeeeew, have you ever been ready to come home from vacation? I am. We spent a week on the sandy beaches of the Bahamas, St. Thomas and San Marteen. What a wonderful time we had floating across the ocean on a massive boat being served incredible amounts of wonderful food and having our bedrooms cleaned for us twice a day. Each day started with a groan of exhaustion and a quick shower to wake us up. We spent hours on the beach playing in the sand. Cylas had his first naked beach debut. It was soooo cute. I have lots of video and great pictures to share.
I'll patch them all together and send a link so you all can enjoy a piece of my wonderful memories. The first day we got ourselves into the room and used to the rocking. I was little sea sick and didn't want to get out of bed. But, eventually I did and wasn't sick at all the rest of the time. The second night was a formal night and we got all dolled up to go eat...hah. The rest of the week was a blur and I just remember getting toasty on the beach and eating copious amounts of food. I don't know if I gained but a half pound because I made sure to play volleyball(on the boat) and walk a lot. While we were there David won a 90 min full body massage(lucky duck!) and while he was getting worked over I sat in the sauna for an hour...there were a couple of ladies in there relaxing and doing deep breathing. One lady relaxed so much she let a huge gas! Ooohhh lord...need a say more? I got out and took a shower(gag)
1 comment:
YEeeaah! How fun. It sounds like you were pampered out of your little head. I'm so glad you posted right away. I didn't know when you landed but I've been checking your blog almost daily. =) Now you're just north of me a little way.. wish we could connect somehow. I know we've discussed it won't be possible this trip... (sigh). I loved seeing pics of your trip. You and David make a smashing couple in the formal pic. Have a happy new year. Love you.
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