He's fifteen months old now. My mind reels as I think of the many months that have whipped by leaving me at today with the cutest 15 month old walking the planet! I'm constantly learning something new and trying to perfect my art of mommi-ness. I don't want to be an abusive mother but neither do I wish to be a push-over. I'm working at gaining respect from my little boy. I speak kindly, gently but firmly and sometimes I even have to swat his bottom. He seems to be a bit stubborn*groans*. His curiosity is voracious and he's constantly finding something new to entertain himself with. One of his favorite activities is reading! Sometimes the house falls too quiet and I'll find myself tiptoeing across the house trying to find the culprit of the quiet mischief. Hah! I can't tell you how many times I've found him squatting contentedly reading his books. The other night I sat down and was reading "The Wizard of Oz" (the book of his choice). I cut the story short and picked up another book. I had read only two sentences before he slid off my lap and picked up "The Wizard of Oz" and handed it to me. It was so cute! So, I continued reading the book he had chosen. I'm very curious as to what our next child will be like. I can't imagine having another child any less happy, curious or cute as Cylas!
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