Next to living in a completely different country for one year of my life, I think this next adventure is going to be just as life changing. It's official. David, Cylas and I are moving away. It's surreal. I'm in some sort of dream that is threating to become a nightmare if I let it. But, I keep steering it away from that dark ominous chasm of fear and focusing on the light at the end. We have approximately a month and a half to make sure our belongings are packed and the remains are sold. David is going to drive our furniture, clothing, keepsakes and the like, cross country while Cylas and I fly. We will return, but only after five years. Our goal is to make sure David gets his education as an engineer and we save up for a down payment on a house here in CA. Everything is going to be just fine...I'm telling myself this as if I really believe it. But, truth be told I'm scared, I feel anxious all the time and I'm full of needless, useless worry. I suppose if I think of the dishwasher I'll have and the huge kitchen then my fears will dissipate...nope, not working. Odd and ends can never replace a life time of love and support from family and friends who are considered as family. There are so many memories that I can't even begin to conjure them all up to relate them all to you. The feelings that accompany the memories I'll never forget. California is my life but it's time to share and practice what I've learned from The Rock Church. In my heart, I'm truly a Rock Church California girl.