Ahhhh, I was just inspired by my future. What I mean is, I just realized that I'm going to be home a LOT next year because I'll be out of school!!! I can't wait! So, I've decided to re-read and read some of the great classics. I want to sit down on my couch and get lost in Jane Austen's Emma or Pride and Prejudice. Oliver Twist, Of Mice and Men goodness, I'm going to have so much fun this coming year. I think it's going to be a new year's resolution of mine to read and re-read as many old classics as possible. Maybe, I'll fit a little house cleaning in too....hahah. Just kidding. The house will be cleaned and then I'll waste away the day. But, if the opportunity arises and I get hired on at Opening Doors(the place where I'm currently interning) then hopefully some of my time will be spent interpreting for them. I've gotten a lot of great experience lately and am feeling more confident with my Russian. My idea is to work from home so I don't have to cart Cylas off to the sitter's. The pain that strikes my heart when he leaves is becoming more unbearable. I feel like a horrible person. And in some ways I am...
But, if I can convince my superiors that I'm just as good at home working for them as I am in the office then...my goodness, I might have the perfect set up. Stay home with baby and use my degree too!!
Pllleeeeease God, can you grant me this little request....(with a cherry on top!)